Who We Are - the Rosendahls Difference.
We are your locally owned and operated foot comfort headquarters, professionally trained Accredited staff, and Accredited facility, We are an allied health supplier, able to bill insurance and work with your doctor for your best treatment. We only offer quality products, no commissioned salespeople, or high pressure like some of the other guys. We want to educate you about foot health and why we offer a higher level of service by getting you the product that solves YOUR unique problem.Your feet work hard-very hard but if you take care of them they will take care of you. A few of the most common causes of pain or discomfort are:
- Long hours on hard surfaces (concrete) - Concrete doesn't yield or give in like soil or sand or grass so consequentially your poor feet flatten and roll inwardly (pronate). This causes knee misalignment and can be a common source of pain in knees, hips, and back.
- Cheaply made poorly fitting shoes.
- Bunions, hammertoes, painful callouses.
- Overuse injuries like plantar fasciitis , metatarslagia and many others.
- Sports activities which place increased demands on the body.
How We Help
Personal Arch Support Fitting and Evaluation
We will evaluate your foot type, arch type, measure for length, width, and depth, check the range of motion in specific joints of the feet while static and ambulating. We take the time to talk to you and find out about your needs at work and play and will find the proper premade or custom made orthotic.Wide Selection of Affordable, High-Quality Premade Foot Orthotics
We also operate our local custom orthotic manufacturing lab and fabricate approximately 3000 pairs of custom orthotics yearly.Shoe Fitting Experts
We measure both feet and stock many widths and also extra depth shoes to accommodate any foot type or need. Special orders available for those hard to fit feet.Pedorthic Shoe Modification Lab
We can change shoes on site-lifts to correct leg length differences, stabilizers, flares, widening of shoes, gel plug inserts for painful callouses, the list goes on and on. We offer more than just proper fitting. Although we stock narrow thru xx-wide we also stretch, pad, or alter shoes as needed. Service above all the rest, someone who will customize a shoe or modify your arch supports.Additional Services
- All types of foot comfort items available in our retail showroom.
- Full-service billing office for those patients who have insurance coverage for their foot health needs.
- Free gait analysis or leg length discrepancy testing.
- Repair department offering resoling, heels, sewing, etc.